- Sleeping bag, mat and pillow.
- Warm blanket.
- Warm clothing.
- Sensible footwear.
- Wash kit (including toothbrush and toothpaste etc)
- Towel.
- Torch.
- Waterproof coat.
- Waterproof trousers (optional).
- Old clothing that can get muddy.
- Swimming kit.
- Casual sportswear.
- Wetsuit boots/shoes for the sea (if you have them).
- Suitable bag for carrying your kit on the Primitive Camp and day trips.
- Drinks container.
- A Bible.
- Pen and notepad.
- Any required medication.
- Sun cream.
- Money for tuck (optional).
(Sleeping bags need to be inside a carry bag or rucksack, as you will need to take them into the woods for a one-off Primate Camp. Please avoid black bin liners, as they rip too easy).
(Please remember that valuables may get damaged, and therefore you bring them at your own risk)